Sunday, March 17, 2013

Its a winner by Beverley: Hose in Europe are called Tights

Its a winner by Beverley: Hose in Europe are called Tights: All I can say is I did not get to wear my new Christmas gift to myself this year I told myself my leg swelling would be gone The gift ...

Hose in Europe are called Tights

All I can say is I did not get to
wear my new Christmas gift
to myself this year
I told myself my leg swelling would be gone

The gift to myself was
a black cashmere dress from
love that store even if I only can shop online

When I was in Europe I bought the above hoses
while I was in Paris then in Stuttgart, Germany
They worked for me they kept the swelling down
so I could walk and climb all the stairs they have
in Europe
love that area of the world

Now to tell you why I had this trouble
I followed the doctors orders to take this medicine
It was nearly the death of me
It left me with the largest legs and sever pain

Then there was surgery on both legs to reroute the
blood to the artery
I am a still fighting
going strong for you see I am a winner

more to tomorrow

written and posted by Beverley H. Hanes

for more about the hoses contact me or order on line
from MY Tights
Mfg. in England
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Saturday, March 16, 2013


 This is the beginning, 
for people who would like to know how to relieve pain in their legs,
 or swell,  from health problems, air travel, or other things like
allergic to a medication.

You might think, why should I read this, your young, healthy, beautiful and full of life.
so was I and this can happen over night or it can creep up on you until
you realize you are in a heap of trouble.

I will be tell you about my experience for the last few years six to be exact
The first thing is get your legs up,  I was told that so many times
but I was busy and use to going full speed
the big yellow ball was found to work for what they said, get your legs up to your heart

Wal Mart has them you need an air pump or a air compressor to blow them up
but it works
The swelling went down the pain is less

this is just the beginning of the story so stay posted and please write me
I will call you if you would like, send a message

ps the ArtBinFrameworks has an air compressor

posted and written by Beverley H. Hanes 3-16-2013
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